Page 22 - October 15th
Tuesday Oct 15th dawned cold & overcast. Pipers played Reveille thie week, so we slept in till 7 am. Did nothing all day except play retreat.
Sunday Oct 15th same old same old as far as weather goes. The backyard Corymbia torreliana is in flower, and last night the fruit bats had a feast. Broken twigs and clusters of blossom all over the lawn this morning. Now, with the sun up a bit, the Rainbow Lorikeets are arriving in large numberd for the banquet. This will mean more borken bits on the lawn and, by evening, a few drunken parrots falling off branches and bumping into things.
Sunday Oct 15th same old same old as far as weather goes. The backyard Corymbia torreliana is in flower, and last night the fruit bats had a feast. Broken twigs and clusters of blossom all over the lawn this morning. Now, with the sun up a bit, the Rainbow Lorikeets are arriving in large numberd for the banquet. This will mean more borken bits on the lawn and, by evening, a few drunken parrots falling off branches and bumping into things.
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