Page 5 - August 17th
Saturday August 17th dawned mild & warm. 7:30 am saw us up & ready for breakfast after which we went off to practice & are now having a few minutes rest. Fritz forgot to pay us the usual visit last night, so we slept in peace for once. After the morning's practice we had our dinner & a few moments rest, & then into practice again & knocked off about 3:30pm to have a spell for the concert to be given by a few members of 11th Inf Bde. The concert was not too bad. We played from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, before the show. This afternoon, we decided to dig in & make a little shelter for ourselves & started on a place & at dark we had it fit to sleep in, so turned in & tried for a good night's rest.
Thurdsay August 17th. Indonesian Idependence Day. Cold morning, woken by galahs and Mum moving about. Mum to University of the Third Age later this morning, then I packed up ready to go home as soon as my little sister arrived to take over mother-sitting duties. Well, to be truthful, I left a little before sister arrived, and saw here heading the other way just after I hit the bottom of the Toowoomba range. A smooth trip home.
Thurdsay August 17th. Indonesian Idependence Day. Cold morning, woken by galahs and Mum moving about. Mum to University of the Third Age later this morning, then I packed up ready to go home as soon as my little sister arrived to take over mother-sitting duties. Well, to be truthful, I left a little before sister arrived, and saw here heading the other way just after I hit the bottom of the Toowoomba range. A smooth trip home.
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