Jack's Diary

The diary of Sergeant Samuel John "Jack" Drew M.M., August 1918 to January 1919.

My Photo
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Over 60, with a son 32 and a daughter 22. Retired on 26 October, 2007, after 37 years with the company. No matter, I've led an interesting life with much travel in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Region, and a little bit of Africa.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Page 9 - August 27th

Tuesday 27th dawned rather mild and pleasant. After the usual clean up & breakfast, we were ordered to pack up ready to shift so after the usual military fooling about, which lasted about an hour, we got under way & eventually arrived at our next home. After finding a decent dugout & making things cosy for the night & tailed off a good sleep (believe me kid - certain sure). That is a Yanks saying.

Have you noted that Jack treats the military with a certain laconic disdain? There is a lot more in a similar vein to come, I assure you. I can remember family Sunday lunches at Jack's where he would tell the funny stories from his time in France. Just the funny ones, never the real story.

Sunday 27th in the here and now started cloudy and with a quite humid feel about it. Maybe, just maybe, there is some rain on the way. Mum D was up not too early, so she must have slept well. The clouds kept rolling in, but no rain at all although some is predicted (maybe) for tomorrow. Did some wood-butchering today; I have been meaning to build a few more simple bookcases for my magazines (WoodenBoat already has a case; Australian Wood Review and Australian Amateur Boat Builder are still in tidy piles), so got into it and have one ready for varnishing. Also managed to get wood for more - B******s actually had plentiful stock of good radiata planks that weren't damaged, warped, or otherwise unusable.

Mum D back to the other side of town just before the tournament ended. Sister missed out on winning the tournament by a lousy 10 points on the final game - her opponent got a late 50 point bonus.


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