Jack's Diary

The diary of Sergeant Samuel John "Jack" Drew M.M., August 1918 to January 1919.

My Photo
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Over 60, with a son 32 and a daughter 22. Retired on 26 October, 2007, after 37 years with the company. No matter, I've led an interesting life with much travel in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Region, and a little bit of Africa.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Page 14 - September 10th

Tuesday Sept 10th dawned rather fine & mild. Breakfast at 7:30am & parade at 9am & were set on little jobs around camp. The Blue Gums came into the next hut to us.

Sunday Sept 10the arrived with heavy clouds on the eastern and western horizon, but still clear overhead. The outcome of yesterday's state election was such that it was really not worth having one; the odd seat changed hands, but no real effect on Labor's massive majority. Expect some blood-letting in the opposition parties in the next few days, but the Nats will probably end up being led by Seeney who presents a bigger nong image than The Borg. The Liberals lost their leadership candidate most likely to replace Mr Stumbles Flegg, his seat being taken by an ex-newsreader of the sports variety.

Rain swept across about midday, which put an end to the morning's wood butchering. Off to the garden centre (in the rain) to pick up some potting mix and a few plants. Spread some 'food' on the lawn while it was getting a drink: will pay for it in extra mowing later, I suppose, but it really deserved a bit of a treat in repayment for surviving so long on laundry wastewater.


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