Jack's Diary

The diary of Sergeant Samuel John "Jack" Drew M.M., August 1918 to January 1919.

My Photo
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Over 60, with a son 32 and a daughter 22. Retired on 26 October, 2007, after 37 years with the company. No matter, I've led an interesting life with much travel in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Region, and a little bit of Africa.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Page 15 - September 15th

Sunday 15th Sept dawned very nice & warm, which made it easy to tumble out of bunk, so at 7am we turned out & ^ never played revellie, being Sunday morning. Played for a Battn parade during the morning, & then rested all day. Today is a beautiful warm clear day just like the good old Aussie days. Last night as we were playing for the show, two men were called away to return to Aussie. Lucky bounders.

Friday 15th Sept a little foggy somewhere around the town - low clouds lifting when I wandered outside for the paper. Physiotherapist at 8:00am, with some new and interesting pain produced. However, it always ends in something feeling a bit better than it was before, although it might be some hours before the beneficial efffects are felt. Mrs D and the girl went to explore the big Direct Factory Outlet centre out near the airport, so I was able to potter around doing some woodwork and making a stock of soups for the freezer. Nanna Nap in the afternoon for a bit, then some more wood butchery. Coming along nicely.


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